UGears 3D Wood Puzzle- Merry-Go-Round



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The word “carousel” originates from Italian “carosello,” meaning “little war,” having a reference to a medieval game Turkish soldiers played on horseback. They would stand in a circle and throw a perfume-filled ball at one another, trying to keep it from bursting. By the Victorian time hand-cranked and horse-driven carousels were built for amusement only, with highly artistic hand-carved wooden horses, and the use of steam and electric power, making such rides more fun. Spearing practice turned into a game in which one needed to grab a metal ring, and if the ring you grabbed was brass, you would win a free ride. 

Develops engineering skills, spatial thinking and fine motor skills. Captures imagination for a long time. Eco-friendly: is made of high quality wood, has a fragrant scent of wood and is pleasant to touch. Assembles easily: all parts are already cut off and can be easily removed from the board. Put together like a puzzle without glue and special tools by following an illustrated color manual.

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